Young Dracula

A comedy-drama produced for CBBC (Children's BBC), Young Dracula followed the story of teenager Vlad Dracula, the son of the infamous count, after he, his father and his sister Ingrid moved to Britain to evade peasant mobs and vampire hunters. Initially Vlad and Ingrid were both humans, as the children of vampires do not turn until their sixteenth birthday. Ingrid looked forward to this transformation, desperate to prove to her casually and persistently sexist father that she was the true heir to his evil ways, but frustrated that he was always favouring Vlad, despite her younger brother's rejection of their vampiric heritage. Vlad meanwhile feared how the transformation would change him; gaining vampiric powers and losing the ability to walk in daylight were minor concerns since becoming undead also usually destroyed the recipient's empathy for others, leaving the vampire effectively a self-centred sociopath.

Young Dracula ran for five seasons filmed over eight years (there was a three year gap between the second and third seasons), during which time both Ingrid and Vlad turned. It was a surprisingly fun series, especially the three later series where both the cast and the writing had noticably matured.



Count Dracula


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