First American

Real Name: Troy Todd

Identity/Class: Genetically engineered human

Occupation: Crimefighter;
   formerly 89th President of the United States
   formerly actor, astronaut, chauffeur (all allegedly)

Group Membership: The Incredible Nineteen (Cane-Toad Man, Human Porch, Tadpole, others)

Affiliations: U.S.Angel, $£%&head, seven other unidentified (and deceased) partners; Hooey, Gooey, Patooie ("nephews"); Fly-on-the-Wall Docu-Soap Makers (Jeremy, Dave, Mark, Pete, Gina, Jim, Jose, Micky); Wags the Americanine, Bunty the Americat, Americrab, the Second America, the Third American, the Fourth American, First Amoeba, unidentified "Frankensteined" Vice President, Captain Uzbekistan, Le Premier Francais, Deutschlander Zahlein, Fightin' Limey
   formerly Brunette Woman (Sid and Sammy Schwartz), Buckley
   allegedly Charlie Lindburgh, Henry Ford, Josephine Baker, Al Jolson, Frank Wright, Lloyd Wright, Jack Kerouac, Jimmy Dean, Jayne Mansfield, John F. Kennedy, Buzz "Adrenaline," Yuri Gagarin, Captain Video, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Josef Stalin, Bill Gates, Pacman, Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed
   attempted to broker deals with New World Order (Glynnis, others), the Illuminati, Satan (all three rejected the offer)

Enemies: Joey Bazookas, Butt-Faced Hank, Don Tubbi, Dozier D. Daze, Gerta Dammerung, Fatwa Arbuckle, Miss "Stinky" Finkelbaum, Jury Swinger, Mortal Ken, Jimmy "the Bedwetter" Mulligan, Spirit of Comic Books Past (Buckley), Spirit of Comic Books Present, Spirit of Comic Books Future, Vice President Albert Gore, Governor George Gush, Ralph Nader;
   formerly/intermittently Clarice, Cobweb, Greyshirt, Jack B. Quick
   allegedly Amelia Earhart, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Adolf Hitler, Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussoloni, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, Ayatollah Komeini, Saddam Hussein

Known Relatives: Minute Maid (mother), Trudi Todd (mother), Rudi Trodd (father), unidentified superhero father (may have been the Seventy-Second First American), unidentified maternal grandfather, Me-First American (paternal grandfather), Women-and-Children First American (great great grandfather), Blonde Woman (first ex-wife, a.k.a. Blonde Transexual), Gerta Dammerung (second wife, separated or perhaps divorced), unidentified son, unidentified daughter; Second, Third and Fourth Americans (cousins)
   allegedly John Lennon (husband, deceased)

Aliases: Freckled American, The Seventy-Third First American, The Worst American, Dark First American, Retro First American, Classic First American, Diet First American, Firstleigh Jefferson American

Base of Operations: The Americrypt, 415th West 12th Street Washington

First Appearance: Tomorrow Stories #1 (Wildstorm / America's Best Comics, October 1999)


Hair: Brown

Summary: "Genetically engineered today for our nation's tomorrow, Troy Todd and Joanie Juniper are the First American and U.S. Angel."


Comments: Created by Alan Moore and Jim Baikie.

   The vast majority of First American's appearances came in the anthology title Tomorrow Stories, all written by Alan Moore with a different artist and genre for each series within. A satirical series, First American's stories had loose continuity to say the least, and the attitude to this is summed up well by an exchange between U.S.Angel and First American in America's Best Comics 64-Page Giant's "The First First American":
   First American "I'm actually about the seventy-third First American."
   U.S.Angel "Doesn't that sort of contradict your established continuity?"
   First American "Heh. You youngsters with your crazy talk."

   Mike Murphy notes that "First American appears to be a satire of current American foibles and obsessions ($, sex, and lying to maintain one's image among them) as Fighting American was a concealed satire of American psychoses of the 50s."

Appearance checklist (not including reprints): Tomorrow Stories#1-12, Tomorrow Stories Special#2, Tom Strong#22 and 36, Promethea#30, America's Best Comics 64-Page Giant

First American should not be confused with:

First Posted: Circa 05/11/2003
Last updated: 05/10/2022

Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.

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