Agent Midnight

Real Name: Unknown

Identity/Class: Unknown

Occupation: Unknown

Affiliations: Canadian Liberty League

Enemies: Fogg

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Hidden base in the Laurentian Mountains

First Appearance: Canadian Liberty League #1 (Viking Comics)

Powers/Abilities: Unknown

History: Agent Midnight was one of Canada's most ardent defenders during the Second World War, taking on Nazis overseas and Fifth Columnists at home. He was a founder member of the Canadian Liberty League.

After the war ended, Agent Midnight continued to protect his homeland, switching his focus to the criminals and racketeers who plagued it.

(CLL #1) During WW II Agent Midnight, accompanied by Silk Shadow, travelled to Montreal to confront the evil genius known as Fogg, seeking to prevent him from activating his newly devised doomsday device on behalf of his Nazi paymasters.

In 1970 his body was found dead in a Toronto park. He had been the leader of the Canadian Liberty League from during the war until his untimely death.

Comments: Created by Tyrone Biljan. Images and characters are ™ and © 1999 to him.

CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with

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