Mickey Finn

Real Name: Unknown

Identity/Class: Extra-terrestrial cyborg

Occupation: Unknown

Affiliations: Mike Callahan

Enemies: The Cockroaches

Known Relatives: Mary Callahan (wife), Mike Callahan (father-in-law), Lady Sally (mother-in-law)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile worldwide, and across time and space

First Appearance: The Guy With The Eyes

Powers/Abilities: Mickey Finn is an incredibly powerful cyborg engine of destruction. Though he has not displayed most of his abilities, he has stated that he can fly unaided and unharmed through interstellar space at speeds well in excess of the speed of light; that he can fly through suns without injury; that he can destroy entire planets with ease. His mind processes information millions of times faster than any computer. He has demonstrated the ability to change the atomic structure of dozens of humans to make them immune to kinetic and radiation across the entire spectrum, up to the levels of a nuclear explosion, instantly and by will alone.

History: Thousands of years ago a xenophobic alien race known to others as "the Cockroaches" came across a peaceful race of beings, whom they slaughtered without mercy. As was their wont, they recorded the minds of their victims, and eventually they resurrected the mind of one of the dead race, using it as the personality basis for a powerful humanoid probe. They sent this out into the universe to locate other species, judge if those species were powerful enough to successfully resist the Cockroaches, and if they were not, then the probe would signal his masters to come and annihilate yet another race.

The probe eventually came to Earth, but encountering humanity, he found he had no desire to see them destroyed. However he would automatically send a report, whether he wanted to or not, by a set date. On the night this report was due to be sent, the cyborg probe wanderered into Callahan's Bar in upstate New York. Listening to the various people there share their troubles, the cyborg felt compelled to do likewise, and explained his nature and his plight. The group listening discussed with him options to prevent the Cockroaches being summoned. He informed his new friends that should he fail to report in, his masters would assume mankind had destroyed him, and was thus too powerful to confront. This would require his actual destruction though, or at the least him being temporarily incapacitated, a difficult thing for humans to do to a creature as indestructible as him. He did reveal that there was one way to render him unconscious, but also that he was programmed not to provide anyone this information. The bar owner, Mike Callahan, thinking quickly, asked the cyborg his name, and with a smile, the cyborg replied "Mickey Finn." Hearing this, Callahan prepared the visitor a drink which swiftly knocked him out, saving the planet in the process.

With his masters believing him destroyed, Mickey Finn elected to stay on Earth. He later helped the regulars of Callahan's defeat one of the Cockroaches when it came looking for him after all, and also married Mike's daughter, Mary.

Comments: Created by Spider Robinson


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