Den Maskerade Proggaren (The Masked Hippie)

Real Name: Jarl Sandberg

Identity/Class: Human transformed by magic

Occupation: Hippie (1960s), playboy and yuppie (1980s)

Affiliations: Herta (feminist heroine), Kosmosomolpojken (a.k.a. Cosmosomol Boy, a Soviet superhero), Bjällran, Såningsmannen, Hubbahubbaflickan (heroine who makes fun of him), Kapitalets Månghövdade Hydra

Enemies: Leninmumien, Högerspöket, Klichépolisen, De fabulöst ludna bröderna Missfoster, Anarka (formerly, and off-panel, his most promising student), Tant Mård & Hamstern Chico, the frozen head of Simon Spies and his Satellite of Swingers
formerly Octavia Sandberg

Known Relatives: Octavia Sandberg (mother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Sweden, c.1970s

First Appearance: Kapten Stofil

Powers/Abilities: Den Maskerade Proggaren has "historymaterialistic" powers, which includes the power of Democratic Redistribution of Resources, e.g. heat - from the largest steelworks in the Urals region to the disguise of Leninmumien, and superspeed. He also has emancipated superworking power, as well as proggovision (including x-ray vision)

History: Den Maskerade Proggaren was given superhuman powers by the ghost of Karl Marx.

Comments: Created by David Nessle. Thanks to Fredrik Åberg for informing me of the character and Hans Holm for providing information on him.

Hans notes that "His career stretches at least into the early eighties - the latest given date is 1982, but other adventures were clearly in the early seventies. Girlfriends before Herta (but after he got superpowers) include Lisa Lönn och Lina Lång. Octavia Sandberg, Jarl's mother, spent a period as an ”enemy” when an experiment resulted in her being controlled by her most basic and primitive instincts: her maternal instinct. She also has Doctor Octopus-style tentacles attached to her spine (in fact, she looks a lot like a female Doctor Octopus).


Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.

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